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Healing on the Streets Training - 19th October

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Please join us as we bless our city and learn how to pray for people on the streets of Birmingham. Training will take place in the morning, with prayer on the streets in the afternoon. It has been a wonderful opportunity to pray with other Christians from other Churches for the people of Birmingham (or further afield if they are visiting!)

This training is open to all Christians from churches in Birmingham & surrounding areas.

10:00: Drinks with networking
10:15 to 12:30: Teaching and stories
12:30 Lunch (please bring a packed lunch)
1300 - 1500 praying for people on Edgbaston Street beside St Martin’s.

1500 - 1530 - de-brief
If you have already had HOTS training but haven't been out praying for a while, we would recommend coming to the training for a refresher.